Getting Started

  1. Logging Into the Computing Clusters
  2. Basic UNIX
  3. Python

Logging Into the Computing Clusters

Half of the class have been assigned computing accounts on Sherlock and the other half have been assigned accounts on CEES. Follow the instructions for using the one you have been assigned to and follow the tests to make sure everything is set up properly and functional.


  1. Installation
  2. Logging On
  3. First Time Logging On
    1. Sherlock
    2. CEES
  4. Making Sure Everything Works



Download and install:

To prevent X11 from timing out, open the terminal and type:

mkdir -p ~/.ssh
echo $'\nHost *\n ForwardX11Timeout 1000000\n' >>~/.ssh/config


Download and install:

  • PuTTY
  • Kerberos (needed for Sherlock only)
  • Xming (Note: disable automatic installation of PuTTY with Xming. The above installer is a newer version)

Linux (Debian-based, e.g. Ubuntu)

From the terminal (needed for Sherlock only):

sudo apt-get install krb5-user

Logging onto the Clusters

For the Sherlock cluster, make sure to read through the login instructions here.

For the CEES cluster, read through the login instructions here.

In both cases, login with your SUNetID and password.

Follow the instructions below for your system:


For Sherlock only, authenticate using Kerberos:



ssh -K -X

to log onto Sherlock, where sunetid is your Stanford SUNET ID. kinit does not need to be rerun unless the Kererbos ticket is expired. On Mac OSX you can type klist to check the status of the ticket.


ssh -X


Open Kerberos and authenticate using your SUNetID and password. Alternatively, ppen a “Command Prompt” (open a new one, if you have just installed Kerberos) and run:

kinit -5

Next, launch Xming. You will always need to have this open in order to forward graphical windows from the external clusters.

Start PuTTY, and:

  • “Session” → “Host Name” for Sherlock or for CEES.
  • “Connection” → “SSH” → “X11” check “Enable X11 forwarding”
  • Back in “Session”, you can save these settings for next time.

You can start putty several times, if you need several terminal windows; only one instance of kinit and Xming needed.


In a terminal (Sherlock only):


Then for Sherlock:

ssh -X

Open new terminals to run ssh again if you need several terminals on sherlock; kinit only needs to be run once per boot (or as long as the Kerberos ticket remains valid). Type klist to check the ticket’s status.


ssh -X

First Time Logging in

Sherlock only:

For the first login only, run the following command:

echo $'\nexport PATH=/home/vossj/suncat/bin:$PATH' >>~/.bashrc
echo 'export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/home/vossj/suncat/lib:/home/vossj/suncat/lib64:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH' >>~/.bashrc
source ~/.bashrc

This will enable you to run SUNCAT specific software on the Sherlock cluster, including the ASE interface to Quantum ESPRESSO.

There are two file partitions, the home and the scratch partition. Go ahead and make a symbolic link to the scratch partition using:

ln -s $SCRATCH scratch

Perform all your calculations from the scratch partition.

CEES only:

If you access the CEES cluster from off-campus or wireless connection at Stanford Residences, you need to connect to Stanford’s VPN service before login to the cluster. The information regarding to Stanford’s VPN can be found here.

For the first login only, run the following command:

echo "setenv PATH /home/vossj/suncat/bin:${PATH}" >> ~/.tcshrc
source ~/.tcshrc

Create a folder in /data/cees/, from where you will create additional folders for performing your calculations. Type the following to create a directory and a symbolic link from the home directory:

mkdir /data/cees/$USER
ln -s /data/cees/$USER

Make sure to perform all your work in this directory.

Making Sure Everything Works

Once you are logged into the terminal, run:


and make sure a graphical interface appears. Next, run Python in interactive mode by typing:


and make sure the following commands work:

import ase
import numpy